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Hello, my name is C. Sparks.

I’m a retired Computer Scientist and I owned and operated a successful computer consulting business for my entire career.

After hearing about Project 2025 a few months ago, I decided to cut through all of the “noise” surrounding the project and just read the document for myself. Granted I had heard the the document was large (900+ pages) but I’m use to reading very large technical documents so I decided to take a shot. Well, this turned out to be a bigger task than I first imaged. Yes, it’s a long document, but it is also very densely written with sometime many ideas packed into a single sentence. And then there are the footnotes – hundreds of them with references and end-notes providing all of the supporting historical references and foundational theories. (I later found out that there were over 140 authors and editors working on this project for multiple years – so yes, it’s big!).

While I was making my way (slowly) through this huge tome, I started thinking that there had to be a better way to get the “essence” of what was being proposed – the “Big Picture” if you will. That’s when I decided to see if Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) could help.

This website – “”, is the result of my experiments using A.I. to help decipher, condense and summarize Project 2025.

To see details on my experiments, please review my Methodology page.

The content on this website can be shared with others and is licensed using a standard Creative Commons license (see details here).

I have done all the work building this site and performing all of the Project 2025 summarization myself.

All expenses have been paid for by me, including:

  1. website server
  2. server software
  3. all A.I. subscription services

If you would like to show your appreciation for my efforts you can chip in and buy me a coffee here.

Hope you get some value from this site – enjoy

C. Sparks

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