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The General Welfare (Summary)

Author: Project 2025 Editors


  • The chapter discusses how the federal government’s role in promoting “general welfare” has expanded beyond what the Founders envisioned, leading to a massive bureaucracy with a $3 trillion annual budget.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is highlighted as the largest contributor to the national debt, primarily through Medicare and Medicaid. These programs have driven significant federal deficits since their inception.
  • The chapter critiques the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for their roles in promoting ineffective and potentially harmful COVID-19 mandates, including mask and vaccine policies. The NIH’s involvement in controversial research and its financial ties to vaccine makers are also scrutinized.
  • The chapter calls for breaking the NIH’s monopoly on research funding and ending its involvement in “junk gender science” and woke transgender activism.
  • HHS is also criticized for promoting abortion as healthcare, often in violation of the Hyde Amendment, and for pushing policies that undermine traditional family structures.
  • The Department of Justice (DOJ) is accused of unprecedented politicization and weaponization under the Biden Administration, with a focus on politically motivated prosecutions. The FBI is specifically targeted as a bloated and lawless organization that needs reform.
  • The chapter advocates for the abolition of the Department of Education, arguing that federal involvement in education undermines local control and parental authority.
  • The Department of Energy is urged to end the Biden Administration’s war on fossil fuels and restore energy independence.
  • Other departments, including Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs, are also criticized for overstepping their mandates and promoting left-wing agendas.


  • Economic Impact: If the proposed reforms, such as dismantling or drastically reducing the size of several federal departments, were implemented, it could lead to significant cost savings and potentially reduce the national debt. However, this could also result in reduced services and support for vulnerable populations.
  • Public Health Ramifications: Ending programs and mandates related to COVID-19 could improve public trust in health agencies but might also reduce preparedness for future pandemics.
  • Social Policy Changes: Reversing policies that support LGBTQ+ rights, abortion access, and woke education could lead to a rollback of recent social progress, potentially igniting public backlash and legal challenges.
  • Energy Policy: Restoring fossil fuel dominance could boost energy independence but might conflict with global climate change goals, leading to international criticism.
  • Educational Reform: Closing the Department of Education and returning control to states could lead to more varied educational outcomes across the country, potentially widening the gap between states with differing educational priorities and resources.


  • #FederalBureaucracy
  • #PublicHealthPolicy
  • #EnergyIndependence
  • #EducationalReform
  • #SocialPolicyDebate

Read the original chapter text here:

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