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Onward! (Summary)

Author: Edwin J. Feulner


  • The Mandate for Leadership was first conceived in 1979 by members of the Heritage Foundation, discussing the lack of conservative guidance in government roles.
  • The initiative was aimed at creating a conservative plan of action, with practical policy recommendations for a smaller, constitutional government and a robust national defense.
  • The guidebook aimed to assist incoming conservative administrations to implement changes and included more than 2,000 recommendations in its initial 1981 publication.
  • It had a significant influence on the Reagan Administration, helping to shape the “Reagan Revolution” and contributed to major policy shifts including tax reforms and national defense enhancements.
  • Subsequent editions of the Mandate continued to influence U.S. presidencies, including the Trump Administration which implemented 64% of the recommendations from the 2016 edition.
  • The chapter underscores the importance of proper personnel appointments in ensuring the success of the conservative agenda, as “people are policy.”
  • It ends with a call to “Onward!” emphasizing continual progress and vigilance in the conservative movement.


  • If fully implemented by the U.S. Government, the ideas could lead to significant reductions in government size and influence, promoting a free-market economy.
  • Potential revitalization of national defense and security measures, echoing past successes in ending the Cold War and enhancing U.S. military strength.
  • The emphasis on conservative staffing in governmental positions could shift the bureaucratic balance, potentially leading to rapid changes in federal policies and operations.
  • A stronger push towards conservative policies might further polarize the political landscape, especially if significant reversals of previous administrations’ policies occur.
  • Economic impacts could be significant, either positively through growth and reduced regulation or negatively if changes lead to instability or reduced social safety nets.


  • Conservative Policy
  • Heritage Foundation
  • Government Reform
  • Economic Growth
  • National Defense

Read the original chapter text here:

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