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13. Environmental Protection Agency (Summary)

Author: Mandy M. Gunasekara


  • The chapter outlines a vision for a conservative U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that supports local and state efforts by sharing federal resources and expertise.
  • The focus is on creating environmental standards from the ground up, consistent with cooperative federalism, promoting a culture of compliance through transparent and measurable progress.
  • A conservative EPA should realign to its core mission of protecting public health and the environment in cooperation with states, moving away from becoming an all-powerful policymaker in energy and land use.
  • The Biden Administration’s EPA is criticized for returning to top-down, coercive regulations that favor politically preferred industries while making traditional energy sources less accessible.
  • The chapter advocates for significant restructuring of the EPA, including shifting leadership roles, reducing redundant programs, and ensuring that enforcement supports compliance rather than political objectives.
  • A conservative EPA would focus on tangible environmental improvements, economic considerations, and transparency in science and regulatory analysis.


  • If the ideas in this chapter were implemented, the EPA’s regulatory approach would shift significantly towards local and state empowerment, potentially leading to more varied environmental standards across the U.S.
  • The reduction in federal oversight could lead to decreased consistency in environmental protection, depending on state and local government capabilities.
  • The proposed streamlining of the EPA might reduce bureaucratic overhead but could also lead to fewer resources for addressing complex environmental issues.
  • Increased transparency and public engagement in regulatory science could build trust but might also slow down the regulatory process.
  • The focus on cooperative federalism could foster stronger state-federal partnerships but might also challenge national standards in addressing large-scale environmental concerns.


  • Cooperative Federalism
  • Environmental Policy
  • EPA Restructuring
  • Regulatory Reform
  • Public Health and Environment

Read the original chapter text here:

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